August Nonprofit Spotlight


We will shine a light on several organizations with whom we are proud to partner – raising awareness about current needs and important work being done in our community by agencies you may not be familiar with! You can give from your fund via the DJCF Portal, or click the links below to support. 

Intown Chabad – The Intown Chabad brings together, engages & inspires young Jews in DFW. We do this through creating authentic personal connections, creative events & friendly Jewish experiences. Founders Rabbi & Rebbetzin Zvi & Aidy Drizin, joined by Rabbi & Rebbetzin Mendy & Mushka Plotkin, are a powerful team leading with passion, dedication, creativity and meaningful connection. Donate |

Dallas Chevra Kadisha – Dallas Chevra Kadisha is the primary Orthodox Jewish burial society in the DFW area. The term Chevra Kadisha literally means “Sacred Society,” a designation unique to this group. Throughout Jewish history, being a member of the Chevra Kadisha has been a great honor. Members of the Burial Society are selected for their character, integrity and personal devotion to Jewish tradition.

These men and women are on-call 24 hours a day to perform Tahara and to ensure that the laws and traditions of Jewish burial are properly provided. Their greatest concern is the dignity of the deceased. Men care for men, women care for women, Jew cares for fellow Jew. There is no better way to ensure the dignity of the body, and the peace of the soul, than to entrust their care to the Chevra Kadisha.  Dallas Chevra Kadisha – Jewish Burial Society

Dallas Area Torah Association – The mission of DATA is to enhance the spiritual, educational and cultural growth of the Dallas Jewish Community through advanced Torah study, outreach programs and community initiatives. Founded in 1992 by Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried, DATA has since led 30 years of impact, served 58,000+ meals, and hosted 1.45 million hours of learning!  Donate – Dallas Area Torah Association (

Temple Shalom – Temple Shalom is an integral and leading part of the Jewish community in Dallas and of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).  They have a thriving Sisterhood and Brotherhood as well as programs for all ages.  They are active in interfaith relations across the Metroplex and welcome interfaith families within our congregation. Online Payments – Temple Shalom (