March Newsletter


Dear Friends of DJCF,

A treasured friend recently gifted me the book, For Such a Time as This by Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove. It’s relating the story of Purim to our present circumstances as Jews in the diaspora, our urgent need to listen and learn from one another, and stand proud in our Jewish heritage – through study and mitzvot (acts of loving kindness).

The Jewish Book Council’s Josh Haft writes. “The title of Elliot Cosgrove’s new book comes from the Book of Esther. When Haman’s per­se­cu­tion of the Jews is revealed, Morde­cai calls on Esther to rise to the occa­sion and use her pow­er “for such a time as this.” These words were per­haps uncon­scious­ly echoed by a friend of Rab­bi Cos­grove short­ly after the bru­tal Hamas attack on Octo­ber 7th, 2023, when she expressed the need for Rab­bi Cos­grove to show up for all those in his con­gre­ga­tion and beyond.”

Not that I see myself as a person worthy of comparison to Esther (who could!?) but I have found myself meditating on her circumstances often in these last 18 months – who can each of us be in a time such as this? Or as the Barbie movie theme song says, “what was I made for?”

Hersh Goldberg Polin’s parents were recently interviewed after having learned new information about their son’s final months before he was brutally murdered at the hands of Hamas. His father related a mantra that Hersh shared with other hostages who were ultimately released in phase 1 of the recent ceasefire agreement – “if you have the why, you’ll find the how”.  To see the full interview, which I strongly recommend watching, go here.

If you have the why you’ll find the how. What an incredible statement. Queen Esther seemingly had it all – beauty, proximity to power, the access of all that comes with being a queen. But she showed courage and conviction, in finding her “why” she bravely risked her life to save our people, the “how”. 

Every Friday at our Shabbat table, we recite a series of prayers my husband’s family has said for decades. I consolidated them into a very informal book (email me if you’d like a copy!) and one of my favorites in our tradition is Eshet Chayil which stems from the woman of valor text found in the Book of Psalms, describing the model for a virtuous wife as being more precious than rubies. Our family’s tradition also includes the Ashrei Ish – a prayer for the husband said by his wife, expressing the ideals of a steady, generous, loving and kind man- that his righteousness may endure forever. Later this month, Adam and I will celebrate our first decade of marriage – these Friday night prayers feel like a weekly vow renewal and have sustained us throughout in powerful and meaningful ways. Happy anniversary to my sweetheart!

I met recently with a private philanthropist who described Dallas Jewish institutions as “crown jewels” in our community. In our second annual gathering of independent Jewish community foundations, which I was thrilled to host in Dallas the first week of March, we welcomed 10 of my peer CEOs from across the country. It was an honor to showcase our city and community for this group. Highlights included discussions about collaborative partnerships, technology, donor stewardship, and trends in grantmaking in a post 10/7 reality. 

But the brightest jewel was our visit with Dr. Scott Peck and sculptor George Tobolowsky at the Museum of Biblical art. In a 90-minute private tour, the group was overwhelmed by the incredible talent and sense of community that Dr. Peck and his team are building through art. I was moved by how many non-Jews are coming to the museum to see Christian art and end up deepening their understanding of the Jewish experience because of the Holocaust and Jewish art museums that are housed within the building.

I tell fund holders all the time – this is an amazing time to be Jewish in Dallas! We have MANY jewels in our crown – from the JCC’s beautiful renovations and pool, the stunning Legacy Senior Living Communities, JFS’ expansion and leadership in community healthcare, our groundbreaking Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, support for special needs community members, Hebrew Free Loan, our Dallas Jewish Historical Society’s oral history and conservation efforts, and if I go on, you’ll be reading forever. 

But it’s not the brick and mortar or the very on-brand “everything’s bigger in Texas” mentality that makes our community shine – it’s the people. Your generosity of spirit, collaboration and kindness. We show up for each other and importantly, we have high expectations for who we want to be as a community and what our communal institutions can deliver.

The bottom line is we have so much to be proud of, so many opportunities to find our “why” – and even living in the darkest hours that many of us have ever known, there are points of light showing us our “how”. Adar is the Jewish month of joy and fun – thank you for bringing so much of both for me.

Our donation and fund management portal is currently being upgraded, with an expected completion date in March. During this time, you may notice changes in the design, so please be aware that it might look different from the current DJCF/SWCF branding. There will be no disruptions to portal usage during this time. If you have any questions or need assistance navigating the new system, feel free to contact Regan Klinke at

March Nonprofit Spotlight

We will shine a light on several organizations with whom we are proud to partner – raising awareness about current needs and important work being done in our community by agencies you may not be familiar with! You can give from your fund via the DJCF Portal, or click the links below to support. 

Mother and Child Alliance (MACA) – Provides comprehensive support to pregnant women and their families – before and up to 24 months after delivery. Prenatal and postpartum services ensure no babies are born with life-threatening and costly preventable diseases in Illinois. Give Here: Healthy babies come from healthy moms

Congregation Shearith Israel – Strives to be a vibrant, supportive and welcoming community that fosters relationships with one another and Torah, and engages meaningfully in a dynamic Conservative Judaism. Give Here: Enrich your Life, Elevate your Soul, and Embrace your Judaism.

Texas Torah Institute – Texas Torah Institute / Yeshiva and Mesivta of Dallas has been on the forefront of Torah education in Texas since its founding in 2003.  It has earned a reputation for excellence in its Limudei Kodesh (Judaic) education, college preparatory instruction, and extracurricular programs.  The Yeshiva has both high school and Bais Medrash divisions, and is under the guidance of our Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Rabbi Shlomo Pacht, and Rabbi Daniel Ringelheim.  It is one of over 70 worldwide affiliates of the renowned Rabbinical Seminary of America / Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY. Give Here

National Council of Jewish Women Greater Dallas Section – NCJW Dallas’ work reflects the spirit of the organization itself – a faith in the future; a belief in action. Through education, community impact programs, advocacy and collaboration, we work to address the needs of all peoples and faiths within our community. Our advocacy efforts aim to correct the systemic causes of the social problems we encounter. We dare to have a vision about what is possible. Give Here: Make A Gift Today

Investment Reports & Fund Statements

The Foundation’s investment portfolio is managed by Graystone Consulting, under the guidance of the Foundation Investment Committee. This relationship has allowed us to offer seven investment models for our constituents to choose from. Graystone provides monthly investment return information on the models as a whole and fact cards for the individual models and the sub-funds that make up each model.

If you’d like to revisit your funds’ investment allocation, please contact Jerry Blair at

DJCF’s investment performance reports through February will be posted on the website soon. These reports can be found on the Investment Reports page under ‘Tools + Resources’ tab on our menu toggle, found here: Investment Reports – Dallas Jewish Community Foundation (

February fund holder statements will be released in your My DJCF portal soon.

Senior Expo

Tuesday, March 18, 2025 | 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
JCC – 7900 Northaven Rd., Dallas, TX 75230

Volunteers needed, come join us for a fun way to share who we are with the senior community. If you are available to be a volunteer, please notify Lisa Wile at!

Limmud Dallas

Sunday, March 23, 2025 | 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
JCC – 7900 Northaven Rd., Dallas, TX 75230

DJCF is proud to be a community partner for Dallas’s first annual Festival of Jewish Ideas.  Limmud will offer multiple sessions offering learning, conversation, and inspiration.  At 3 pm, Megan Hyman and Trustee Emily Hargrove will be teaching a session on Meaningful Approaches to Individual and Family Tzedakah. We hope you’ll register to attend.

October 8 Film Screening

Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 7:00 PM
Studio Movie Grill – 11170 North Central Expy, Dallas, TX 75243

We are one of the sponsors for this important screening of the film, October 8, with the Director and Panel Discussion. Join Hillels of North Texas for this powerful documentary exposing the surge of antisemitism following October 7th. Featuring voices like Debra Messing, Michael Rapaport, Mosab Yousef, Sheryl Sandberg, and more, the film highlights the challenges faced by Jewish students and communities. This event raises awareness and support for Jewish college students in North Texas—tickets can be purchased HERE!

Cynthia Hendricks’ Fund

After 22 years of employment at the Foundation, our Finance Director, Cynthia Hendricks, has retired. Below is the fund we created as Cynthia’s farewell gift, should you wish to contribute toward her philanthropic efforts in retirement.  We appreciate the many ways you support our team and our work at the Foundation.

Cynthia P. Hendricks Family Fund