We will shine a light on several organizations with whom we are proud to partner – raising awareness about current needs and important work being done in our community by agencies you may not be familiar with! You can give from your fund via the DJCF Portal, or click the links below to support.
Mother and Child Alliance (MACA) – Provides comprehensive support to pregnant women and their families – before and up to 24 months after delivery. Prenatal and postpartum services ensure no babies are born with life-threatening and costly preventable diseases in Illinois. Give Here: Healthy babies come from healthy moms
Congregation Shearith Israel – Strives to be a vibrant, supportive and welcoming community that fosters relationships with one another and Torah, and engages meaningfully in a dynamic Conservative Judaism. Give Here: Enrich your Life, Elevate your Soul, and Embrace your Judaism.
Texas Torah Institute – Texas Torah Institute / Yeshiva and Mesivta of Dallas has been on the forefront of Torah education in Texas since its founding in 2003. It has earned a reputation for excellence in its Limudei Kodesh (Judaic) education, college preparatory instruction, and extracurricular programs. The Yeshiva has both high school and Bais Medrash divisions, and is under the guidance of our Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Rabbi Shlomo Pacht, and Rabbi Daniel Ringelheim. It is one of over 70 worldwide affiliates of the renowned Rabbinical Seminary of America / Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim in Queens, NY. Give Here
National Council of Jewish Women Greater Dallas Section – NCJW Dallas’ work reflects the spirit of the organization itself – a faith in the future; a belief in action. Through education, community impact programs, advocacy and collaboration, we work to address the needs of all peoples and faiths within our community. Our advocacy efforts aim to correct the systemic causes of the social problems we encounter. We dare to have a vision about what is possible. Give Here: Make A Gift Today