The Zahler Family: Fostering a Generational Tapestry of Giving and Community Engagement

Gerald Zahler, alongside Warren Zahler and Janet Baum, shares the Zahler family's story in a studio interview

The Zahler family, represented by Gerald Zahler, Warren Zahler, and Janet Baum, share their unique approach to fostering a culture of giving within their family. Gerald Zahler, the patriarch, emphasizes the vital role parents play in introducing children to philanthropy. He recounts how he used to send his kids signed, blank checks of modest amounts, encouraging them to find and donate to organizations themselves. This practice was designed to help the children discover causes outside of their usual scope and develop a sense of responsibility for charitable giving.

The family prides itself on its strong bond, which includes sharing and supporting causes found meaningful by different family members. This practice of generational learning, “L’dor v’dor,” signifies learning from one’s parents and striving to make them proud through one’s actions. Gerald expresses satisfaction in knowing that he has instilled these values in his children, contributing to their active involvement in community and philanthropy.